Yoga & Light Detox program

How to detox the right way

  1. Nutrition and Hydration: Food is a major regulator of our detox systems. We’ve coached clients through dietary protocols to increase nutrient diversity and dramatically decrease toxins from our food. This supports our bodies in the phases of detoxification, specifically biotransformation, or the process of chemically modifying a toxic substance to make it less toxic and more easily excreted. 
  1. Hyperbaric Oxygen TherapyHyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT): During an HBOT treatment, you breathe in approximately 95% oxygen, allowing your body to absorb about 3x more oxygen than what is available in the air we breathe. The bloodstream picks up that extra oxygen and transports it to damaged tissue in the body for faster healing. Our brains take a large hit with exposure to toxins, and HBOT has been shown to facilitate healing and regeneration by improving mitochondrial function and offering neuroprotection. Additionally, a damaged gut lining, also known as “leaky gut” can result in toxins leaking into our bloodstreams. HBOT has been shown to help heal the injured intestinal tissue. This in turn offers faster healing and improvements in gut bacteria.

LIGHT DETOX PROGRAM - Albufeira - Algarve - Portugal

Feeling sluggish and slow, irritable and grumpy, and with one too many headaches thrown in? A LIGHT DETOX retreat could be the fastest way to remedy many of your every day niggling health concerns. The body has a remarkable ability to rid itself of toxins, however, in today’s world, this is becoming more and more compromised, resulting in both physical and mental health problems. The LIGHT DETOX Program can be a great motivation for change, and you will have experts on hand to monitor and guide you and to impart their knowledge. Our instructors will allow you to pause, to reset and to breathe deep, learning new habits that will help you both physically and mentally. Whichever one you choose you will feel lighter, brighter and energised. 


This retreat can help give your body a fresh start, renews energy levels, aids weight loss, and ultimately helps prevent disease by giving your digestion system a break and enabling your body to concentrate its efforts on healing. Every day we are exposed to toxins – both external and internal –and many natural health professionals believe that if left unchecked these toxins undermine and weaken the organs of the body contributing to everything from arthritis to irritable bowel syndrome. So, although weight loss is often an inevitable sidekick, even the thinnest of bodies will really benefit from an immunity boost.

Think of it as a spring boost for your insides. An immunity boost varies in their severity – from cutting out meat, wheat, sugar and dairy to living only off pure, fresh-made juices. Discuss your expectations and concerns with us to adapt the meal plan to your needs. If you are overweight one of the best presents you can give yourself is a two week Immunity Boost holiday.

Give a boost to your energy levels, Get rid of the accumulated toxins in your body, Improve your health and Loose some extra weight.

Bookable for any number of nights and for any dates (minimum 3 nights)

Program includes:

Healthy Breakfast

Soup for Lunch & Dinner

2 Daily Detox Juice

1 Daily Immunity Boost Juice

1 Relaxing Massage per stay per person included

Daily Yoga Class

Important notes: 

1. The Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is not included in the program but is highly recommended

2. All Programs run all the time, even with only one participant. If you are looking for group dynamics this might not be the right program for you.